Ed'o Olive Oil

edo ultra premium extra virgin olive oil_Pure and Organic_Deluxe Pairing box_best of the best

ed’o Extra Virgin Olive Oils are the purest essence of nature transformed into liquid gold. A process that takes place just one week a year, the moment of olive’s maximum splendour, which results in a very limited production ensuring one of the lowest acidity levels and richest organoleptic properties.

These two elixirs are made of 100% Arbequina and have the Certification of the Protected Designation of Origin Siurana (Spain). They are bottled in completely opaque glass bottles, to keep the natural olive oils’ nutritional properties perfectly preserved. The wave-shaped silhouette of the packaging is an allegory of the Mediterranean Sea, whose breeze caresses the olives during the entire growth cycle, giving ed’o a unique tas

The white bottle contains ed’o PURE, a fresher and smoother olive oil, while the black bottle contains ed’o ORGANIC, an olive oil with more body and stronger character. These two products are presented in the luxurious DELUXE Pairing Edition box, for the ultimate food pairing experience with olive oils. The display of both bottles laying one next to the other in a yin yang manner evokes the concept of Perfect Balance, meaning that these olive oils perfectly complement any recipe and bring the culinary experience to a whole new level.

edo olive oil award winner Best of the Best and Grand Prix Red Dot Communication Design

Ed‘o is the first Olive Oil brand in the World that not only has received the award “Best of the Best” given by the organization Red Dot: Communication Design, but has also been honoured by the coveted  “Grand Prix” Award. This unique prize categorizes ed’o as the Best Packaging Concept on a worldwide level in 2018.


***ed’o stands for "the gold essence" in catalan (essència d'or), the language that is spoken in the region where these two olive oils are produced.