ed'o Deluxe awarded with Silver DELTA

ADI DELTA Awards - Best Design

The most prestigious Industrial Design Association in Barcelona (ADI-FAD) has recently awarded ed'o Olive Oil within the best Artworks of the national sphere. Our distinctive Food Pairing edition with Olive Oil, ed'o DELUXE, has been granted the Silver DELTA Award. The Jury has described our piece of art as "an aesthetic solution in terms of design and functionality, but also a unique bottle shape that provides correct product usability and good communication".

It is a very special year for ADI organization, as it is celebrating the 40th edition of such important Design contest.

From all the participant projects, the jury has selected the best artworks that represent a true innovation in terms of conceptual thinking, improvement in sustainability, outstanding design and exceptional quality in production. The DELTA Awards are divided in eight categories:

  • Mobility
  • Outdoor Equipment
  • Indoor Equipment
  • Lighting
  • Design for the body
  • Digital appliances
  • Packaging

ed'o DELUXE has competed alongside very well-known brands like Estrella Damm and Brafim Studio, as well as other companies focused on Industrial & Packaging Design.

The big Award Gala took place on the 24th of November in Barcelona, although it was finally held virtually given the current circumstances. The full ceremony can be watched here.

Having such award will mean for ed'o Olive Oil to be part of the permanent collection of the Design Museum of Barcelona, a place that only the most prestigious pieces of art can hold.

 edo DELUXE Food Pairing Olive Oil - ADI DELTA Awards - Best Design


Full Press Release from ADI-FAD can be read here.

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