News — SPAIN

ed'o Deluxe awarded with Silver DELTA

The most prestigious Industrial Design Association in Barcelona (ADI-FAD) has recently awarded ed'o Olive Oil within the best Artworks of the national sphere. Our distinctive Food Pairing edition with Olive Oil, ed'o DELUXE, has been granted the Silver DELTA Award. The Jury has described our piece of art as "an aesthetic solution in terms of design and functionality, but also a unique bottle shape that provides correct product usability and good communication".  

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ed'o Olive Oil at Best Spanish Restaurants

We are happy to announce our collaboration with the well-known Spanish Organization of Restaurantes de Buena Mesa. We are sure that this partnership will bring great success to both parties. Good Olive Oil will always find its way to the best tables of our Gastronomy.

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Newspaper Interview

“El 9 Nou” newspaper made a special interview to the creator of ed’o olive oil, which was published this week on the edition of 30th of July. Through the lines of this interview, the readers can travel from Istanbul to Spain, crossing Germany on the way. This is the path that the Türkoğlu Grau family has gone through as a preparation for their Big Dream. A dream that brings us back to our roots, our childhood, our Mediterranean culture...

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Innovation Award to ed'o Olive Oil

The Extra Virgin Olive Oils of ed'o have recently been awarded at the London International Olive Oil Competition 2018 edition. We came back from London with 4 different awards, proving once more that ed'o (the gold essence) is worldwide recognized by its unique and innovative concept.

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