ed'o Deluxe awarded with Silver DELTA

The most prestigious Industrial Design Association in Barcelona (ADI-FAD) has recently awarded ed'o Olive Oil within the best Artworks of the national sphere. Our distinctive Food Pairing edition with Olive Oil, ed'o DELUXE, has been granted the Silver DELTA Award. The Jury has described our piece of art as "an aesthetic solution in terms of design and functionality, but also a unique bottle shape that provides correct product usability and good communication".  

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ed'o Olive Oil at Best Spanish Restaurants

We are happy to announce our collaboration with the well-known Spanish Organization of Restaurantes de Buena Mesa. We are sure that this partnership will bring great success to both parties. Good Olive Oil will always find its way to the best tables of our Gastronomy.

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Delicious Dessert with ed'o Olive Oil

Are you a foodie and always searching for the most creative and tasty recipes? Bear with us and indulge your senses with this incredible Chocolate Mousse with Extra Virgin Olive Oil. A week ago, one of the most influencing bloggers of Spain, @deliciousmartha, was surprising us with an irresistible dessert, ideal for those with a sweet tooth, but also for those who love extra virgin olive oil and any thing that may be cooked with it.

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TV Interview

The creator of ed'o olive oil, Erhan Türkoğlu, was LIVE on TV explaining the story behind the brand and how he decided to quit his corporate job to become an entrepreneur and chase his dream. Discover everything about ed'o, one of the most luxurious Extra Virgin Olive Oil in the World.

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Kitchens with class

We have recently collaborated with Taller d'en Pich, a family owned company founded in 1986, specialized in architecture and interior design. ed'o (the gold essence) and its unique charm, have conquered the heart of this company. From December 2017 onwards, you will be able to find ed'o Ultra Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oils (Pure and Organic variants) in their shops, alongside of super cool kitchenware, unique furniture and breathtaking stone designs.

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